Shubhankar Seth

Shubhankar Mihir Seth, a gold-medallist mechanical engineering graduate from Indian Institute of Technology Bombay and is heading to Stanford University for his MS E-IPER (Emmett Interdisciplinary Program in Environment and Resources) and MBA. He is currently a Junior Engagement Manager at McKinsey & Company, where he has been driving sustainability for the world’s largest emitters for the last three years. A passionate entrepreneur, he co-founded S6 LLP to enhance learning outcomes for firstgeneration students and set-up Krishimitra to operationalize his field research and address farmers’ water and energy challenges. Post his Masters, Shubhankar aims to continue fighting climate change, with a long-term vision of becoming a CEO in India to foster sustainability and ensure the voices of vulnerable stakeholders are heard in decision-making processes. A fitness and endurance enthusiast, Shubhankar is known for his balanced approach and deep interdisciplinary understanding of his projects, and is committed to building a more resilient planet.
